ostrich steak, carrot cream, peach salsa, chard

ostrich steak, carrot cream, peach salsa, chard 

ingredients - info ostrich steak butter pepper & salt dried thyme white veal stock shallot rosemary fresh thyme sage red balsamic vinegar white balsamic vinegar red wine honey carrots
Ostrich steaks: pull the steaks under vacuum and cook them sous vide for 2 hours in a warm water bath at 72°C. Before serving, brown them on both sides in a pan with a knob of butter. Season with pepper, salt and dried thyme. Balsamic sauce: bring white veal stock to the boil with chopped shallots, sprigs of rosemary, thyme and sage. Add a good dash of red balsamic vinegar, a glass of red wine and a spoonful of honey. Sieve and thicken the sauce if desired. Carrot cream: boil the cleaned and sliced carrots in water for 10 minutes, drain and puree with cream, a few tablespoons of strongly reduced chicken stock, pepper and salt. Peach salsa: mix finely chopped fresh peaches with quartered cherry tomatoes, chopped shallot, red pepper finely brunched, small mint leaves, chopped coriander, a pinch of piment d'Espelette and a dash of white balsamic vinegar. Keep cool in the fridge until serving.
cream chicken stock fresh peaches cherry tomatoes red pepper mint coriander piment d'Espelette chard cauliflower onion vegetable stock almond powder parmesan cheese nutmeg
Chard: remove the stems from the leaves. Chop and blanch the stems for 5 minutes. Drain and fry them briefly in some butter. Let the chopped chard leaves shrink in a hot pan with some butter. This vegetable reacts like spinach. Season with salt and pepper and finally mix with the fried stems for a colourful effect. Best prepared shortly before serving, due to the nitrate content, so reheating is not recommended.   Cauliflower gratin: chop the cauliflower into fine granules and fry them in a large pan in butter with chopped onion. Add a few tablespoons of strongly boiled vegetable stock. The cabbage is ready when it starts to brown. Meanwhile, toast almond powder in a dry pan until light brown. Mix the fried cauliflower with toasted almond powder, grated Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, pepper, salt and a dash of cream. Mix the preparation with the hand mixer to a smooth puree. Spoon it into individual jars, cover with Parmesan shavings and place the jars under the grill until the cheese turns brown.  On the dinner plate: a ladle of carrot cream, then the pre-cut ostrich steak topped with balsamic sauce. Next to it a spoonful of peach salsa and a heap of chard. Alongside, a pot of cauliflower gratin.
Belgian Cuisine and more creative cooking

ostrich steak, root

ointment, peach

salsa, chard

Ostrich steaks: pull the steaks under vacuum and cook them sous vide for 2 hours in a warm water bath at 72°C. Before serving, brown them on both sides in a pan with a knob of butter. Season with pepper, salt and dried thyme. Balsamic sauce: bring white veal stock to the boil with chopped shallots, sprigs of rosemary, thyme and sage. Add a good dash of red balsamic vinegar, a glass of red wine and a spoonful of honey. Sieve and thicken the sauce if desired. Carrot cream: boil the cleaned and sliced carrots in water for 10 minutes, drain and puree with cream, a few tablespoons of strongly reduced chicken stock, pepper and salt. Peach salsa: mix finely chopped fresh peaches with quartered cherry tomatoes, chopped shallot, red pepper finely brunched, small mint leaves, chopped coriander, a pinch of piment d'Espelette and a dash of white balsamic vinegar. Keep cool in the fridge until serving.
Chard: remove the stems from the leaves. Chop and blanch the stems for 5 minutes. Drain and fry them briefly in some butter. Let the chopped chard leaves shrink in a hot pan with some butter. This vegetable reacts like spinach. Season with salt and pepper and finally mix with the fried stems for a colourful effect. Best prepared shortly before serving, due to the nitrate content, so reheating is not recommended.   Cauliflower gratin: chop the cauliflower into fine granules and fry them in a large pan in butter with chopped onion. Add a few tablespoons of strongly boiled vegetable stock. The cabbage is ready when it starts to brown. Meanwhile, toast almond powder in a dry pan until light brown. Mix the fried cauliflower with toasted almond powder, grated Parmesan cheese, nutmeg, pepper, salt and a dash of cream. Mix the preparation with the hand mixer to a smooth puree. Spoon it into individual jars, cover with Parmesan shavings and place the jars under the grill until the cheese turns brown.  On the dinner plate: a ladle of carrot cream, then the pre-cut ostrich steak topped with balsamic sauce. Next to it a spoonful of peach salsa and a heap of chard. Alongside, a pot of cauliflower gratin.
ingredients - info ostrich steak butter pepper & salt dried thyme white veal stock shallot rosemary fresh thyme sage red balsamic vinegar white balsamic vinegar red wine honey carrots
cream chicken stock fresh peaches cherry tomatoes red pepper mint coriander piment d'Espelette chard cauliflower onion vegetable stock almond powder parmesan cheese nutmeg
Belgian Cuisine and more creative cooking