matties herring with watermelon and broccolini
Peel the broccolini like asparagus. Steam till cooked, for instance in the microwave oven (5 minutes, 750 W). Keep one full stem and rose per dinner plate. Mix the rest of the broccolini with some cream and celery salt. Stick with a small and a slightly larger ring laps out of a watermelon. On the dinner plate: the stem and parallell with it the herring fillets, a spoon of broccolinipuree, melon rings topped with a tuft of basil and a preserved rose. Add yellow peppers. Give the herring fillets if desired, a twist of the pepper mill.
ingredients - info matties herring broccolini watermelon

matties herring with watermelon and broccolini

yellow peppers celery salt pepper cream basil
Belgian Cuisine and more creative cooking
Peel the broccolini like asparagus. Steam till cooked, for instance in the microwave oven (5 minutes, 750 W). Keep one full stem and rose per dinner plate. Mix the rest of the broccolini with some cream and celery salt. Stick with a small and a slightly larger ring laps out of a watermelon. On the dinner plate: the stem and parallell with it the herring fillets, a spoon of broccolinipuree, melon rings topped with a tuft of basil and a preserved rose. Add yellow peppers. Give the herring fillets if desired, a twist of the pepper mill.
ingredients - info matties herring broccolini watermelon

Ingredients Directions

matties herring

with watermelon

and broccolini

yellow peppers celery salt pepper cream basil
Belgian Cuisine and more creative cooking